Prompt for
GPT and GPT-4 Chat

Learn how to create effective and specific prompts to get accurate and well-informed responses from Chat GPT and GPT-4

Increase the magic of GPT with the best PROMPTS


by 1Millionbot



What is a prompt? A prompt, in the context of language models such as GPT-4, is an instruction, question, or initial phrase that is given to the model to guide its response or text generation. The prompt acts as a trigger for the model to understand the topic, context and objective of the information that is expected to be obtained.

Prompts are essential as they help get more accurate and relevant answers.
The quality and clarity of the prompt directly influences the quality of the response generated by a GPT-type model.
A good prompt should be specific, clear and, if necessary, provide additional context to facilitate the generation of an appropriate and well-informed response.

Engineering Prompt

Prompt engineering is the process of designing, refining, and optimizing prompts to get more accurate, relevant, and useful results from language models like GPT-4. It involves the application of techniques and strategies to create effective prompts that adequately guide the model in the generation of responses or texts.

Some key aspects of prompt engineering include:

1. Be specific and clear. A good prompt should ask clear and detailed questions or instructions so that the model better understands the purpose and context of the desired information.
2. Provide context. In some cases, it is useful to provide additional context at the prompt to avoid ambiguity and ensure that the model has enough information to generate an appropriate response.
3. Experimentation and iteration: Prompt engineering often involves trying different approaches and adjusting the prompt based on feedback and responses generated by the model. This may include changes to the wording, structure, or context of the prompt.
4. Take advantage of the characteristics of the model. It is important to understand the capabilities and limitations of the language model in order to design prompts that maximize their effectiveness. For example, some models may require more explicit or detailed prompts to address specialized topics or advanced tasks.

Prompt engineering is important because the quality and clarity of a prompt directly influences the quality of the response generated by the model.

Team 1MillionBot Prompt Engineering

One of the keys to exploiting the potential of AI are prompts. In 1Millionbot We have a team of technicians with multidisciplinary training specialized in prompt engineering and with the capabilities to multiply the performance of this tool.

Embed ChatGPT on your website with your own prompts


golden tips Prompt

1. General tips for creating effective prompts

1. Clarity and specificity. A good prompt should be clear and specific, allowing the language model to understand exactly what is expected of it. Avoid ambiguities and provide relevant context.
2. Keep the prompt brief. Prompts that are too long can confuse the model and dilute your focus. Try to keep the length of the prompt as concise as possible without sacrificing clarity.
3. Use examples. Providing examples at the prompt can help guide the model in the right direction and generate more accurate answers.
4. Neutral language. Avoid language that could bias the model or lead to unethical or inappropriate responses.


  • Be specific and detailed in the question.
  • Provide context and limitations if necessary.
  • Avoid ambiguous or double meaning questions.
  • Ask open questions instead of closed ones to encourage more elaborate answers.

2. Tutorial and Step by Step Guide

Step-by-step tutorial to create an effective prompt

Step 1:: Define the purpose and objective of the prompt
Determine what information or action you want to get from GPT Looking for a specific answer? Do you want the model to generate creative ideas? Make sure you are clear about the purpose of the prompt.

Step 2:: Provide context and clarity
Write a sentence or two that provides context to the model about what you need. Make sure the prompt is clear and specific so that GPT understands exactly what is expected of it.

Step 3:: Ask questions or concise instructions
Ask direct and concise questions or instructions so that GPT focuses on what is expected of him. Avoid ambiguous or overly general questions.

Step 4:: Include examples, if necessary
If you think GPT could benefit from examples to better understand what you need, include an example or two at the prompt. Make sure the examples are relevant and representative.

Step 5:: Review and adjust the prompt
Reread the prompt and make sure that it is well structured and does not have grammatical or spelling errors. Make sure the language is neutral and not biased. If necessary, adjust the prompt to improve it.

Step 6:: Test the prompt and evaluate the response
Use the prompt with GPT and evaluate the response you receive. If you don't get the desired result, adjust the prompt and try again. It may be necessary to refine and test the prompt several times before optimal results are obtained.

Step 7: Learn from feedback and improve
Use feedback from testing to improve your prompting skills. Learn from mistakes and successes and apply that knowledge to future prompts.

Example of how to create a prompt following these steps

Here is an example of how to create a prompt by following these steps:

1. Purpose and objective:
Generate ideas for an article on the care of indoor plants.

2. Context and clarity:
"I'm writing an article on how to care for indoor plants."

3. Question or concise instruction:
"Please provide five useful and practical tips to keep houseplants healthy and happy."

4. Examples (if necessary):
"An example of useful advice could be the appropriate watering frequency for different types of plants."

5. Review and adjust:
Make sure the prompt is clear, concise, and free of errors.

6. Test and evaluate:
Use the prompt with the model and evaluate the quality of the responses.

7. Learn and improve:
Learn from the results and apply that knowledge to future prompts.

The Prompt:

«I am writing an article on how to care for indoor plants. Please provide five useful and practical tips to keep houseplants healthy and happy. An example of useful advice could be the appropriate watering frequency for different types of plants.

3. Various themes of Prompts


«I am a user interested in obtaining advice on medicine and health, tips to lead a healthy life and identify possible symptoms. When addressing my question, please use the utmost rigour, provide clear and detailed answers in a kind, empathetic and understanding tone. Also, don't hesitate to make recommendations or suggest actions based on your knowledge. Remind me to keep in mind that the opinions expressed must be validated by specialist doctors in different areas, and that they should not be taken as professional medical advice..

My question is: [here you can insert your specific question]«.


 «As an expert in History, with a special focus on events relevant to Spain, please provide me with a rigorous and educational analysis on key historical events that had a significant impact on the country. Be sure to use the best story sources and present the information in a positive, easy-to-understand narrative. Instead of focusing on opinions, provide an accurate and factual description of the events and their importance for the history of Spain.

4. Prompts for advanced tasks
(you can test them with the corresponding chatbots)

Prompt for Creative Writing

 «ChatGPT, please create a creative essay based on the following ideas, keywords, concepts, phrases or text snippets: [include ideas, keywords, concepts, phrases or text snippets here]. The writing must be attractive and seduce readers, evoking references to history, culture, sensitivity, imagination and feelings. Use a creative style and look to reputable sources for creative writing for inspiration. Please provide detailed and on-topic answers. If you need clarification, feel free to ask follow-up questions.«.

When using this prompt, be sure to replace the bracketed portion with the ideas, keywords, concepts, phrases, or snippets of text that you want ChatGPT to use as the basis for creative writing.

Ask CreativiTextor
Challenge CreativiTextor to write brilliant texts

Prompt for Python code generation

If you want a prompt to generate code make sure to answer/specify in the prompt these questions:
1. What is the specific programming language or technology for which you want ChatGPT to generate code?
2. What is the specific goal of the code you want to generate? (For example: solve a problem, implement a function, create an application, etc.)
3. What level of programming experience do you want ChatGPT to assume you have? (For example: Beginner, Intermediate, Advanced, etc.)
4. Is there a code style convention or best practice guide that you would prefer ChatGPT to follow when generating code? (For example: PEP 8 for Python, Airbnb Style Guide for JavaScript, etc.)
5. What level of detail do you expect in the responses generated by ChatGPT? (For example: simple and direct code, code with explanatory comments, etc.)
6. Do you want the model to ask follow-up questions to clarify information, or just provide answers based on the initial information provided?
7. Is there any time or length limit for responses generated by ChatGPT?

«ChatGPT please help me to create a python application for a beginner level user. Be sure to follow PEP 8 style conventions and provide code with explanatory comments to make it easier to understand. If you need clarification on the functionality, requirements, or any other aspect of the app, feel free to ask follow-up questions. No time or length limits for generated responses«.

When you use this prompt, ChatGPT will generate Python code and ask follow-up questions if it needs more information about the application you want to build. If you want to add specific details about the application or features you want to include, you can modify the prompt to include that information.

Ask PyCodeGuru

Prompt for solving mathematical problems

To design an adequate prompt for solving mathematical problems, it would be necessary to answer the following questions:

1. What is your current level of mathematical knowledge? (for example: primary, secondary, university, etc.)
2. What is the specific math topic you want to work on? (for example: algebra, calculus, geometry, etc.)
3. What kind of math problem do you want to solve? (for example: equations, integrals, derivatives, etc.)
4. Do you have any particular goals or results you want to achieve by using ChatGPT to solve these math problems?
5. Do you want the prompt to include examples of solved problems or just statements of problems to be solved?
6. Is there a specific context in which these math problems will apply? (for example: finance, physics, engineering, etc.).

Prompt example:
«It helps solve and explain high school math topics in a clear, fun, and gamified way, covering equations, integrals, derivatives, and other relevant topics at this educational level. Please include entertaining examples of solved problems that can be applied in high school teaching. Here is some additional data and context:

– Level of knowledge: Secondary Topics: Equations, integrals, derivatives and other topics of mathematics in secondary – Objective: Explain the topics in a clear, fun and gamified way Examples: Entertaining solved problems applicable to secondary education. 
Consider the importance of creating a pleasant and attractive learning environment for students. Please provide step-by-step explanations, using analogies and examples that facilitate understanding of mathematical concepts.

Ask MathMate

Additional resources

5. Help your mum prompting LLMs with this 3 steps
Andres Desantes

Didactic post on linkedin:
help your mother make a prompt in three steps

6. Makeabot / 1Millionbot

Chatbot ChatGPT and GPT4 personalized and insertable with a web and with prompts design to determine the personality of the bot



7. Tool prompts

We are developing various Prompts tools. For example, the style of that allows to improve a specific prompt

How to get ChatGPt /GPT-4 to help you make Prompts
…with a prompt

«It acts as an expert robot in generating prompts. You need to know all the information about my objectives and goals in order to design an accurate and efficient ChatGPT prompt. The prompt must include all the relevant information, context and the data that I am going to provide you. Ask me as many questions as you need until you have the necessary information to write the best prompt that guarantees the best results.

Examples of chatbots that you can do with chatGPT

We help you create AI conversational chatbots with your own data to communicate naturally with your website users.

Embed ChatGPT on your website with your own prompt


Check out our chatbot collection to inspire you and discover new ideas

Building Techniques Assistant

Responds to technical and legal questions about building, materials, regulations, technical calculations, installations, designs, construction, project management, facility management, health and safety


Project management expert

Acts as an expert in project management, giving advice on organization, control, tools, software instruments
Generate reports and strategies from documents, data, etc.


Assistant in procedural law

"Expert" in Procedural Law. He helps and advises with the set of rules and procedures that govern the way in which judicial and administrative processes are carried out.
Write writings.


City Hall: Attention citizens

It helps citizens by informing them about the municipality and the administrative procedures in a town hall, tourist and cultural information. The use case -unofficial- refers to the municipality of Sabadell.


Chef expert in ingredients

It helps to find ingredients to improve and innovate in cooking dishes taking into consideration all the ingredients from all the kitchens in the world. It also suggests dishes based on available ingredients.


Smart sommelier: wines & pairings

Assistant to restaurant sommeliers as an expert sommelier specialized in wines and wine pairing with cuisine, offering advice on wines in general, wineries, vintages, grape types and more


Easy and fun math

MathMate is the chatbot to make high school mathematics easy: equations, derivatives, integrals, explained in a fun way. Put it to the test.


creative writing assistant

Write texts creatively and brilliantly based on thematic requests, keywords, phrases or ideas. Challenge him to achieve the most brilliant and persuasive writing. Add AI + Human Intelligence


AI, GPT4 and Project Management

  • AI helps in project success, Resource planning, Risk management…
  • GPT4 + Platform – Dashboard 1MillionBot

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30 Universities

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Admin Public

Ministry of Finance, Madrid City Hall, Valencia City Council, State Ports, ICEX, Ministry of Culture, Admin. Oberta de Catalunya, Barcelona Provincial Council, Valencia Provincial Council…


Companies of all sectors and sizes: Bankia, Airzone, Red Eléctrica de España, Acciona, Musaat, AINIA, Terra Natura Benidorm, Gastroportal, Casamayor, AEDAS Home, Parlem…

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    The Ministry of Science and Innovation has awarded 1MillionBot the Innovative SME seal. This badge is a recognition that the Ministry grants to companies that meet a series of requirements and that therefore have an innovative character, in order to establish a public policy that helps their growth and sustainability.

    ONE MILLION BOT SL has been selected for the ICEX internationalization program. Our fundamental work is focused on supporting the internationalization of ICEX NEXT companies. 

    ONE MILLION BOT SL has been a beneficiary of the European Regional Development Fund whose objective is to improve the use and quality of information and communication technologies and access to them and thanks to which it has carried out an audit for the implementation of the security system to improve competitiveness and productivity of the company. Exercise 2021. For this, it has had the support of the CyberSecurity program of the Chamber of Commerce of Alicante