Cities + IA
1Millionbot and Lucentia Lab join forces with companies specialized in urban design to design the cities of the future
Mobility flows, IA and IoT, sustainability and efficiency of cities
We develop platforms, products and services for cities, based on AI

city intelligence
1. Cities mobility flows. Patterns,prediction of city flows, including tourist flows. Efficiency and sustainability of the city. Urban design.
2. Personalized conversational assistants for citizen services. Personalized citizen attention and automation of services and administrative procedures between officials and citizens.
3. IoT, sensorization (smart cities) and AI. Exploitation of date sensorization and smart city systems to model the sustainability and efficiency of cities.
4. Urban design. Modeling of efficiency and sustainability, projection of the potential of urban areas.
Products, services, platforms...

Optimization of Urban Mobility through Data Analysis
Through the use of IoT devices and data analysis using AI, cities can collect, process and understand detailed information about people's movement patterns. This includes data on how, when and why citizens travel, whether by private vehicle, public transport, bicycle or on foot.
With this information, cities can more efficiently design their infrastructure and services to meet the needs of their citizens, reduce travel times, improve connectivity and promote more sustainable means of transportation. For example, they can identify areas with high demand for public transport and effectively adjust routes and schedules, plan the location of bicycle lanes and electric vehicle charging stations, and even detect and solve chronic congestion points.
Furthermore, this mobility data can also be used to model and predict the impact of new transport policies, allowing cities to evaluate different scenarios and make informed decisions on how to improve the sustainability and efficiency of their transport system.
Finally, combining mobility data with other sources of information, such as demographic, environmental and economic data, can allow cities to gain an even deeper understanding of complex urban dynamics and design more effective and equitable interventions.

traffic flows
Mobility data can be significantly leveraged through Artificial Intelligence techniques, specifically Machine Learning (ML) and Deep Learning (DL). Below are some ways these methods can be used:
1. Traffic flow prediction. ML and DL algorithms can be trained to predict traffic flow based on historical patterns and real-time data. These predictions can be used to optimize traffic signals and efficiently manage traffic flow in the city..
2. Displacement pattern analysis. ML can identify travel patterns in mobility data. This can be useful in understanding people's transportation preferences, identifying areas of high demand, and appropriately planning transportation infrastructure..
3. Modeling and simulation of scenarios. ML and DL algorithms can be used to model and simulate different transportation and mobility scenarios. For example, they could simulate the impact of introducing a new bus line, changing a traffic route or building a new cycle path..
4. Image recognition for traffic monitoring. DL systems can process traffic camera images to detect and count vehicles, identify vehicle types (e.g., cars, bicycles, buses), and detect events such as accidents or congestion.
5. Route recommendation systems. Using ML algorithms, it is possible to develop systems that recommend optimized travel routes based on real-time traffic conditions, user preferences, and historical patterns..
6. Optimization of the use of shared vehicles. ML and DL algorithms can be used to optimize the deployment and use of shared vehicles (such as shared bicycles or scooters) and ride-sharing services, which can reduce the number of vehicles on the road and reduce greenhouse gas emissions. greenhouse.
ML and DL methods provide a variety of powerful tools for analyzing and learning from mobility data. However, it is important to remember that these methods depend on the quality and quantity of the data available, and that the use of this data must comply with privacy laws and regulations..

Tourist Intelligence System (SIT-LL)
tourist mobility
Tourism is another sector in which the combination of AI and IoT can make a big difference. By analyzing mobility data, it is possible to improve the visitor experience and promote more sustainable and efficient tourism. Some applications could be the following:
1. Personalized Recommendations. Using ML and DL algorithms, it is possible to create recommendation systems that provide tourists with personalized suggestions for places to visit, restaurants, events, etc., based on their preferences, their location, and the patterns of other tourists with similar tastes..
2. Planning of tourist routes. AI can help plan optimized tourist routes that consider the location of points of interest, opening hours, travel time between them, and traffic and tourist congestion in real time.
3. Tourist flow management. Mobility data analysis can help cities understand and manage the flow of tourists, identifying areas and times of high demand and taking measures to avoid overload and promote the distribution of tourists throughout the city..
4. tourist chatbots: AI-powered chatbots can provide information and assistance to tourists in real time, answering their questions, offering recommendations and even allowing reservations for tourist services.
5. Monitoring and maintenance of tourist sites. IoT sensors can be used to monitor the status of tourist sites and alert about the need for maintenance. Additionally, sensors can collect data on tourists' behavior and interactions with sites, which can be analyzed to improve the tourist experience..
6. Improvement of tourist security. AI and IoT can be used to improve tourist safety, for example by monitoring video to detect incidents, identifying dangerous areas and providing alerts and assistance in case of emergency..
7. Promotion of sustainable tourism. Analysis of mobility data can provide valuable information to promote more sustainable tourism, for example, identifying opportunities to promote the use of public transport among tourists, planning the location of tourism facilities to minimize environmental impact, and monitoring the impact of the tourism in the city and the environment.
Artificial Intelligence and Internet of Things (IoT)

AI and IoT
The combination of Artificial Intelligence (AI) and the Internet of Things (IoT) can offer a series of innovative products and services that transform urban life, making cities smarter and more efficient. Below I present some examples.
1. smart waste management. IoT sensors can monitor waste levels in garbage bins in real time. This information can feed an AI system that optimizes waste collection routes, improving efficiency and reducing greenhouse gas emissions..
2. Traffic control. IoT sensors can collect data on traffic flow, and AI can use this data to adjust traffic signals in real time, thereby minimizing congestion.
3. Intelligent lighting. Public lighting can be controlled by sensors and adjusted by AI according to need, saving energy by lighting only when and where it is needed.
4. Air quality monitoring. IoT sensors can collect data on air quality, and AI systems can analyze this data to identify patterns and predict problems, which can inform public health and environmental policies..
5. Energy management. IoT systems can collect data on energy usage in real time, and AI can use this data to optimize energy distribution, identify savings opportunities, and forecast load demands..
6. smart infrastructure. IoT sensors can monitor the condition of city infrastructure such as bridges and roads. AI can use this data to predict when maintenance will be needed, avoiding failures and reducing costs.
7. Public security. Combining video surveillance cameras with IoT technology and image processing through AI can improve public safety, for example by detecting suspicious behavior or identifying stolen vehicles.
8. eHealth applications. IoT devices can monitor patients' vital signs and AI can analyze this data to detect medical conditions in time or predict disease outbreaks at the city level..
9. smart public transport. By using AI and IoT sensors, it is possible to analyze and predict public transport demand patterns and adjust routes and schedules in real time.
Smart assistants
for personalized attention to citizens

Chatbots for citizen services
Of course, chatbots represent an efficient and accessible user interface for interacting with the vast amount of data generated by IoT sensors in a smart city.
An AI-powered chatbot can be a great interface for citizens to interact with city data. For example, a chatbot can provide real-time information on traffic, weather conditions, air quality, public transport schedules, among others. These chatbots may be available on popular messaging platforms, municipal websites, and mobile apps.
Additionally, chatbots can facilitate access to municipal services, allowing citizens to report problems, request services, make tax and utility payments, and even vote in local elections. AI can help process and understand user queries in natural language, providing accurate and personalized responses, increasing efficiency and citizen satisfaction.
Additionally, chatbots can play a vital role in emergency situations, providing real-time information, guidance and help. A chatbot could alert citizens about an emergency, provide updates on the situation and offer advice on what to do.
Integrating chatbots into a smart city infrastructure can make data and services more accessible and useful to citizens, improving their quality of life and their interaction with the city administration.
What AI does for citizens
- Serve citizens 24 hours a day, 365 days a year
- Automate actions: permits, licenses, payment of taxes, infractions...
- Identify unresolved needs of citizens and their complaints
- Promote agility, efficiency and transparency
- Smart administrations in smart cities

AI-based Citizen Service Systems
Chatbots and virtual assistants can handle common queries and provide quick answers to frequently asked questions, improving efficiency and reducing the workload for staff. These systems can integrate with websites, mobile apps, and social media platforms, and provide multilingual support to serve a diverse population.
Robotic Process Automation (RPA)
RPA uses artificial intelligence algorithms to automate repetitive tasks and bureaucratic processes in public administration, such as application processing, permit management, and billing. RPA helps minimize human error, streamline processes, and free up employees to focus on higher value-added tasks.
Tourism Intelligence System – Lucentia Lab
The tourism intelligence system developed by Lucentia LAB, known as SIT-LL, is a highly sophisticated program that was designed with the aim of generating, transmitting and applying relevant knowledge to the professional tourism sector.
This system is developed for countries, autonomous communities and cities with the aim of improving their tourism sector.
Key points of the SIT-LL system
Data collection and analysis. The SIT-LL is in charge of capturing, integrating, processing and analyzing different data sources. In this way, it allows the monitoring of trends and changes in the tourism market, which helps tourism companies and destinations to adapt and anticipate the changing needs and preferences of tourists.
information display. The system allows viewing reports and interactive dashboards, facilitating strategic decision making. Managers can have a clear and up-to-date view of the data relevant to their industry and make informed decisions based on that information.
Traveler Behavior Tracking. The system is capable of understanding the behavior of visitors throughout the entire trip cycle (planning, booking, enjoying and sharing). Knowing these consumption patterns allows companies and tourist destinations to design offers and services that fit the preferences of travelers.
Predictive analytics. The SIT-LL offers predictive analysis on what can happen in the future in the tourism sector. This allows tourist companies and destinations to anticipate trends and changes, and adapt their offer accordingly.
Decision Support. The system becomes a decision support tool for all stakeholders in the tourism sector, providing relevant and up-to-date information to help guide strategic decisions.
Use of 'smart data'. The SIT-LL uses 'smart data' technology to provide detailed knowledge of the visitor profile. This information allows tourist companies and destinations to personalize their offer, improving customer satisfaction and, ultimately, the competitiveness of the tourism sector.
Collaboration and participation of multiple actors in the technology sector. SIT-CV, Lucentia together with Orange and Softtek have developed a collaboration platform between leading technology and software companies. Each of these companies brings with them a variety of skills and experience, contributing to the creation of a more robust and effective system. The role of collaboration and integration of different expertise is a crucial component for the success of the system.
Methodology for improving the competitiveness of the tourism sector. The SIT-LL system's main objective is to increase the competitiveness of the tourism sector through the use of data and analysis. With a deeper understanding of the visitor profile and their behaviors, companies and tourist destinations can optimize their offer to increase customer satisfaction. This adaptation and constant improvement of the tourist offer, based on detailed and updated information, is essential to maintain and improve competitiveness in a dynamic and changing market such as tourism.
More than 30 Universities

Prescription and enrollment assistants, automation, virtual tutors, student retention. Referred to as international success stories (Harvard Business Review, El País…)
The most important Admin. public

Ministry of Finance, Madrid City Hall, Valencia City Council, State Ports, ICEX, Ministry of Culture, Open Administration of Catalonia, Barcelona Provincial Council, Valencia Provincial Council…
innovative companies

Companies of all sectors and sizes: Bankia, Airzone, Red Eléctrica de España, Acciona, Musaat, AINIA, Terra Natura Benidorm, Gastroportal, Casamayor, AEDAS Home, Parlem…
Partners & Alliances

We teach you how the Artificial Intelligence generates high value
Increase productivity in your processes with automation.
Improve customer service and personalization of services
Increases lead conversion level and customer/user experience.
It enhances the predictive capacity in all aspects of the company: consumption, distribution, transport...
The Ministry of Science and Innovation has awarded 1MillionBot the Innovative SME seal. This badge is a recognition that the Ministry grants to companies that meet a series of requirements and that therefore have an innovative character, in order to establish a public policy that helps their growth and sustainability.
ONE MILLION BOT SL has been selected for the ICEX internationalization program. Our fundamental work is focused on supporting the internationalization of ICEX NEXT companies.
ONE MILLION BOT SL has been a beneficiary of the European Regional Development Fund whose objective is to improve the use and quality of information and communication technologies and access to them and thanks to which it has carried out an audit for the implementation of the security system to improve competitiveness and productivity of the company. Exercise 2021. For this, it has had the support of the CyberSecurity program of the Chamber of Commerce of Alicante