chatbots and integrations
Reach customers 24 hours / 365 days, wherever they are
Chatbots help on all channels
Advantages: quick response, reduced operating costs, efficiency, improved user experience and efficiency, and increased productivity
What is integrate a chatbot
1. Chatbot integration means that you are connecting the chatbot with platforms, websites, apps, WhatsApp… to interact with visitors.
2. The chatbot acts as a human agent through a “chat” interface. Converse, provide information, solve problems, and complete tasks.
3. The power of 1MillionBot chatbots (Millie Platform, ChatGPT, Rasa, SaaS…) integrated into all possible channels.
We integrate our chatbots on all platforms
Your company or institution needs the integration of your chatbot in all the channels to offer attention to users quickly and effectively.
WhatsApp Business API allows companies to integrate chatbots and interact with their customers with messages: quick and automated responses. It has been quantified that a WhatsApp chatbot, well implemented, reduces the costs of human attention by 40%.
We have implanted many chatbots in whatsapp successfully: UN-Nigeria, Terra Natura, Torrejón de Ardoz City Council, Megafarms, Euroval…
Facebook Messenger
Chatbots can also be integrated into Facebook Messenger (FM) to interact with customers. Chatbots can be programmed to answer frequently asked questions, provide information about products and services, and make sales on FM.
We have integrated a very popular chatbot into Facebook Messenger: Helena FM (menopausal-loss) and Bill–FM (1MillionBot), among others. A very active channel.
Páginas web
Chatbots can also be integrated into web pages assisting site visitors online. Chatbots can be programmed to answer frequently asked questions, inform about products and services, and help in the purchasing process.
All our chatbots have been integrated into numerous web page systems: WordPress, Wix, Squarespace, Magento y Drupal.
Social networks (Twitter, Instagram…)
Social networks: In addition to WhatsApp and Facebook Messenger, chatbots can also be integrated into other social networks such as Twitter e Instagram to interact with customers. our chstbot Bill is on Instagram and interacts with potential customers who come from the world of fashion and retail.
CRMs (eg Salesforce)
CRM: Chatbots can also be integrated into CRM platforms such as Salesforce to automate processes and improve company efficiency.
1MillionBot integrated into the platform Salesforce for Banco Caminos / Bancofar., a bot about bank products (different types of accounts, types of cards, lead capture.
Chatbots can also be integrated into mobile apps to provide online support to users. In the city of Murcia, ROSI, our virtual assistant, is active in the application YourMurcia, the city's official application and Google Assistant, allowing the user to establish a conversation using the voice assistant.
Chatbots can be integrated into the business communication platform Slack to improve collaboration between the work teams and the company's HR. Chatbots can be programmed to send notifications, automate tasks, internal training (resolution of operational questions) and make inquiries.
Our colleague Bill is in Slack always willing to help with internal issues.
Telegram is another popular messaging platform that allows chatbot integration. Chatbots can be programmed to provide information and answer questions.
Pablo, the Pablo Olavide University chatbot (1MillionBot with Vodafone) is integrated into Telegram.
Microsoft Teams
Chatbots can also be integrated into Microsoft's business collaboration platform, Teams, to improve communication and efficiency of work teams.
Shopify is an eCommerce platform that also allows chatbot integration. Chatbots can be programmed
Google Home – Alexa…
Chatbots can also be integrated with the Google or Amazon Assistant (Alexa) to provide information and answer questions to users. Our chatbot cryptine expert in cryptocurrencies and blockchain, was the first in Spain in the Google Assistant (Google Home).
Cover Manager
Platforms like Cover Manager provide services to restaurants. Integrating a bot makes the booking process easier. 1MillionBot has integrated our chatbots into the CoverManager booking system. With use cases awarded at FITUR like Eli (El Portal Restaurant) and our restaurant reservation SaaS.
Trabem develops RPA solutions for healthcare clinics. For example, your system medical appointment booking management for hospitals and health centers. Trabem has integrated the 1MillionBot chatbot into its solution. Trabem Agreement - 1MillionBot.
Virtual campuses in universities
From a virtual campus, a chatbot can inform and provide services to students, according to extensive international experience: inform about accommodation, financial aid and health services ("Ask Penn State"); about library services, academic requirements and extracurricular activities («UofT Chatbot»- University of Toronto). We have inserted chatbots in virtual campuses similar to Blackboard, etc.
LiveChat (Chat+Chatbot)
To integrate Chat + Chatbot (LiveChat) is one of the functionalities of our control panel of our millie platform. The Parlem company, a telecommunications operator in Catañuña, integrated this 1MillionBot system into its system.
Other: Skype, Zendesk, Twilio, Tik-tok, Intercom, Zoom, Oracle…
We look for ways to integrate our chatbots into any application, platform, system, virtual campus... We can integrate it into platforms such as Skype, Zendesk, Twilio, Tik-tok, Intercom, Zoom, Oracle and a multitude of tools such as Google Analytics and the like. If you give us a challenge, we respond.
More than 30 Universities
Prescription and enrollment assistants, automation, virtual tutors, student retention. Referred to as international success stories (Harvard Business Review, El País…)
The most important Admin. public
Ministry of Finance, Madrid City Hall, Valencia City Council, State Ports, ICEX, Ministry of Culture, Open Administration of Catalonia, Barcelona Provincial Council, Valencia Provincial Council…
innovative companies
Companies of all sectors and sizes: Bankia, Airzone, Red Eléctrica de España, Acciona, Musaat, AINIA, Terra Natura Benidorm, Gastroportal, Casamayor, AEDAS Home, Parlem…
Partners & Alliances
We teach you how the Artificial Intelligence generates high value
Increase productivity in your processes with automation.
Improve customer service and personalization of services
Increases lead conversion level and customer/user experience.
It enhances the predictive capacity in all aspects of the company: consumption, distribution, transport...
The Ministry of Science and Innovation has awarded 1MillionBot the Innovative SME seal. This badge is a recognition that the Ministry grants to companies that meet a series of requirements and that therefore have an innovative character, in order to establish a public policy that helps their growth and sustainability.
ONE MILLION BOT SL has been selected for the ICEX internationalization program. Our fundamental work is focused on supporting the internationalization of ICEX NEXT companies.
ONE MILLION BOT SL has been a beneficiary of the European Regional Development Fund whose objective is to improve the use and quality of information and communication technologies and access to them and thanks to which it has carried out an audit for the implementation of the security system to improve competitiveness and productivity of the company. Exercise 2021. For this, it has had the support of the CyberSecurity program of the Chamber of Commerce of Alicante