Changing your idea of

what chatbots can do


Intelligent Virtual Assistants: the best communication strategy.

Our clients

We present:

The perfect communication

Ask him what you are looking for

As if you were talking with a person, but without waiting 😀 

  • Instant and brilliant answers with +90% accuracy.
  • 24 hours, 365 days.
  • Voice and text.
  • Connects to DB and CRM in real time.
  • Infinite simultaneous conversations.
  • Multichannel: web, app, WhatsApp

You will end up empathizing 

User is king. Our chatbots, his/her confidents. 

Our laboratory taught us that we need to feel comfortable when talking with a bot. We do not write just answers, we create the conversations that we would like to have (NLP).

Real conversation of a user with Robin, our chatbot specialised in sexual education:

Our alliances

We join forces with the best to offer you the best product.

4 solutions

Focused in objectives to get the most out of your chatbot

Digital Marketing

Listen to your customers and create a different strategy according to their needs.

Internal communication

Efficient organization of your company, homogenized speech.

Customer Support

Substitute or complementary to the call center, 24/7 availability.

Leads & Big Data

Strategies based on data, customer profile and CRM connection.

Connected… To everything

Omnichannel: web, app, Whastapp, Google Assistant… You decide how and where to connect with your customers. In any platform via text and/or voice. Reaching any DB or CRM through API’s.

The chatbot transforms data in easy, natural and magic conversations within everyone’s reach.

Total Autonomy. Absolute Control.


The control panel acts as a mediator between you and your chatbot. You have access to every measure and statistic you can imagine. Also you can

  • Complete files of your leads: who interacts, how many times, from where
  • Change answers
  • Add new questions
  • Add new intents…
  • Etc.

Everything with just a click! 


The control panel acts as a mediator between you and your chatbot. You will have access to every statistic you can imagine. Also, you can:

  • Complete files of your leads: who interacts, how many times, from where
  • Change answers
  • Add new questions
  • Add new intents
  • And much more!

Everything with just the click of your mouse!

Kaizen Method

The icing on the cake is the continuous collaborative training.

You establish a win-win relationship with your customers. You will earn closeness and the bot will learn in every interaction. Also, we add the knowledge of more than +10 million messages and 500 general knowing queries

Your chatbot already knows a little bit of everything, even before «is born», to talk naturally with anyone.

We generate specific solutions

We adapt to your proyect and sector. Sectors we’ve already revolutionized:


The agreement between 1MillionBot and the president of the Royal Academy of Spanish Gastronomy, Rafael Ansón, is impulsing the introduction of conversational chatbots to improve the client service. 


Student service focused on pre-registration period to solve all their doubts. Resulting in more than double of queries answered with a chatbot in your universit.

Public Administrations

Digitization of town halls and support when sitting for official exams are trending topics. Public information uninterrupted services are now for everyone.

Test their real capabilities

Our most awesome chatbots 

Lola Horoscopes

Light-hearted personality, charismatic and even a little bit scoundrel to tell you everything about your sign 

Robin Sexuality

Robin will solve any doubt about your sexuality and personal relationships.

Elena Menopause

Ask her your questions about menopause. She will answer in the most funny and novel way

Your chatbot? 

How do you imagine it? We tell you how a chatbot can make your company take off 🚀


Relevant news at your disposal

Our R&D of the most important changes and innovations

Torre Juana Open Space Technology

In this space we take as a basis the most disruptive technologies  (AI, big data, IoT…), always thinking in terms of the future. And we commit ourselves to the projection and sustainability of our historical heritage and cultural roots. 

Our news


Contact us

    If you wish to contact with us, you can do so through our chatbot Bill .

    You can also do it by filling out the form below or calling:
    (+34) 623 02 57 67.