Yesterday, Wednesday March 15, an important work meeting took place in Joanna Tower OST, where the R+D+i Team of the Eleven Foundation, the company boomerania specialized in social robotics and artificial intelligence, and the company 1MillionBot, specialized in natural language processing and chatbot development.

The objective of the meeting was to join forces to advance the development and deployment of Guides and Robotic Assistants in complex and large environments such as hospitals, airports or shopping centers. The purpose of these robots is to improve the accessibility of these areas to people with visual, hearing, cognitive or reduced mobility disabilities.

During the meeting, technology experts discussed possible solutions and strategies to improve the accessibility of these spaces through the application of innovative technologies such as chatbots, artificial intelligence and social robotics.

This project is of great importance to improve the quality of life of people with disabilities, as well as to improve inclusion in society. This collaboration between the Once Foundation, Bumerania and 1MillionBot is expected to lead to innovative technological solutions that improve accessibility for the population.

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