Innovation must be bold, You must travel on roads that are not very crowded. Bill Puertas is the result of a walk down that road whose end is sometimes unknown. Three years ago, 1millionbot created its own chatbot. That is not new. Bill Puertas is an intelligent assistant that provides information about the organization. But Bill is a brave guy and goes above and beyond. This virtual assistant is a bold mix of product and employee who demonstrates in a short conversation what kind of organization 1millionbot is. Safe, reliable and valuable.

Bill Puertas is accessible from the front page of our website to accompany you on the tour of our services and our solutions and general information about chatbots. Bill can also speak English, Spanish and Valencian.

On the occasion of his birthday, Bill has celebrated it in the best way he knows how: by answering questions. We have done a short interview to find out more about him. You can see it in the following video. Besides, We invite you to ask him these and other questions that you want to know about him or about us.

The smart solution

Conversational virtual intelligent assistants improve processes in IT departments HR, logistics, marketing and communication, R+D+i, administration and finance, and production. Virtual assistants based on Artificial Intelligence propose an intelligent solution regardless of the industrial sector. Contact us to find out what a chatbot can do for your organization. Or ask Bill.