Virtual Assistants, as we have been seeing, it is the way in which the AI ​​finds to understand the language and reproduce it. It's a program Vision who is able to interact Communication with a user who has a question. So, the question we ask ourselves today is on the table: Does a chatbot have to have a personality to be efficient?.

1millionbot continues the series of articles for explain some terms and reasons why we do what we do and why we do it. Perhaps, to begin with, a previous question is to know what is the personality of a chatbot.

As we have seen, a chatbot is software that, thanks to PLN, is capable of simulating a conversation. So, thanks to the department of linguists it can be programmed with human characteristics. Depending on the words and interactions that are chosen, that is what is perceived as the “personality” of a chatbot.

According to This studio, Users interacting with a chatbot don't want it to be too robotic or too human-like. In balance is virtue. For this reason, to answer the main question of this article, we are going to go through certain keys of the "personality" of a chatbot so that the user or single-user organization ends up satisfied.

good manners

A conversation begins with the greeting. This first movement will set the tone with which the conversation develops, at least by the chatbot. That tone is one of the bases of the Virtual Assistant's personality. We can mark a lot of distance with the user or none, we can be very colloquial or very formal. Although it has nothing to do with the topic that has led the user to talk to the chatbot, that tone is very important. Thus, it is not the same to talk with Bill, our virtual assistant, who has a formal and friendly tone, than with DulcineIA, the chatbot that helps secondary and high school students read Don Quixote, for example.

go off on a tangent

A chatbot must be able to respond when the conversation goes off on a tangent. There, the personality once again marks the way. Each Virtual Assistant is made up of a general corpus with which it is capable of answering those questions that have nothing to do with the subject for which it has been specifically trained. With that base, training and answering new questions every day, they make the chatbot acquire that personality.

In this interview with Bill, which we publish to celebrate his third birthday, we can see how Bill is able to hold a conversation without going into any of the topics he is a specialist in. Thanks to the work mentioned above, Bill is able to say "What does age matter when life can be eternal" when asked how old he is.

Context and more context

In addition to the general corpus, each chatbot has a specific corpus that it uses to answer those questions of the specific topic for which it is being trained. They are limited but themes and words are added so that it becomes richer and more complex.

As the chatbot responds and learns, it recognizes that space between the specific questions and the ones that have nothing to do with your topic. Understanding that context will make you increasingly intelligent and skillful..

manage frustration

1millionbot has a success rate of its chatbots of more than 80%. It is a high percentage but sometimes he is not able to answer satisfactorily the questions that are asked. Although a Virtual Assistant is intelligent and learns with each question that is asked, it must also be capable of managing the frustration of a user who cannot find what they are looking for. For this, the personality of the chatbot is decisive. The tone that we have set for him from the beginning will allow him to excuse himself and look for an alternative.

In the case of the Las Rozas City Hall chatbot, when he does not understand a question, he automatically apologizes and ensures that the user can access the requested information via phone or email. Another option is to detect the inability to respond and the chatbot can offer the option of accessing a human assistant to close the query.

Good image

They say a picture is worth a thousand words. For Virtual Assistants, their image is very important because from the beginning they are launching information about the personality that the organization has wanted to imprint on them.. From the name to the avatar. Everything is capable of offering information. Thus, active listening to the customer is essential to be able to create an avatar that fits the spirit of the organization or entity for which you will work.

The smart solution

Virtual assistants based on Artificial Intelligence propose an intelligent solution regardless of the sector. Contact us to find out what a chatbot can do for your organization.