Llum, developed by 1millionbot, is a help tool so that citizens can consult their doubts about the services that the Torrent City Council provides. It is able to respond more accurately day by day through Natural Language Processing. Thus, Llum learns automatically by accompanying the user, neighbor or neighbor of Torrent with his interaction, throughout his visit to the municipal website.

Llum is an intelligent chatbot available 24 hours a day and 365 days a year in which, by clicking on the icon at the bottom right of the page, you are able to resolve the most common issues regarding access to information or procedures to be carried out. He is able to solveEg issues of registration, collection of belongings, noise regulations or direct debit of receipts.

Torrent, one more step

Thus, The consistory goes one step further modernizing the administration and in turn, in their relationship with the neighbors. The most frequent questions have been designed, which will facilitate the work of this intelligent assistant so that it learns efficiently and provides increasingly precise answers.

The Councilor for Modernization and Resource Management, Andrés Campos ensures Llum "is key to improving the interaction between citizens and the administration, since it speeds up and greatly improves the experience of users ».

Llum improves with each question

During November and dicember, months in which this new consultation tool was in the testing period, Llum gave coverage to more than 1600 queries, with a rate of conversational accuracy greater than 90% and a greater record of activity between 10 and 12 noon.

Moreover, the most recurring demands were those referred to Register and registration certificate, prior appointment, GIVP incident system, self-assessment or help with school supplies.

The Artificial Intelligence of the assistant develops algorithms that assess and assign probability weights in order to respond in the most optimal way. It should be noted that the assistant provides answers for which it has been programmed but does so more precisely each time. This happens thanks to the daily interaction on the part of the users.

Through such interactions and learning, the assistant also records valuable data through its BigData analytics. This makes it possible to improve the user's experience with the City Council.

The smart solution

Virtual assistants based on Artificial Intelligence They propose a clever solution. Both in public administration, culture, education or in the different productive sectors. Request information here