Cryptin in the Google Assistant
Criptina, the FinTech Observatory's cryptocurrency and blockchain expert, is also available on the Google Assistant.
To chat with her for a while, all you have to do is access the Assistant on any of the multiple devices on which it is available and say:
"Ok Google, talk to Fintech Observatory".
Criptina is a chatbot with a very specialized language and subject to constant changes and innovations derived from the dynamics of a field in continuous evolution such as cryptocurrencies and blockchain technology.
You can ask from the most basic things, such as what is a cryptocurrency or where can you get bitcoins, to more specific things, like what is a hard fork or how much bitcoin miners earn. In addition, it can tell you the global market volume and give you the price of most of the cryptocurrencies in real time and in the fiat currency you want.
You can see more information about this agent in the Google Actions Directory.
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