
Chatbot that operates with information from your website, through our Millie Platform

Smart Conversations, Instant Responses

Your website, now Conversational


BoT Pages transform the information on your website into engaging and interactive conversations. With state-of-the-art technology, this chatbot turns browsing into a conversational experience, allowing users to get instant responses directly from your page content.


Your website comes alive through an intelligent chatbot that interacts with your visitors. Using the information already present on your page, BoT Pages answer questions, guide users and improve the online experience, all in real time


BoT Pages revolutionize the way visitors interact with your website. This conversational chatbot uses information from your page to provide precise and personalized answers, creating a dynamic and attractive user experience

Turn your website into a chatbot with Millie

In addition, all the potential of the new generative AI (with ChatGPT,) in a control panel with the best features on the market. Data, analytics, live chat, leads, 



Users do not want to navigate, they want to find specific information quickly. Ask and go to the desired information.


A chatbot collects data very valuable: products or services desired and not found. complaints… One opportunity to meet your users


Fast, cheap and powerful. A revolution of your web and with reduced cost. ohTake advantage of the investments in your website! 


Explore everything you can do in this field. A first step to start your revolution in the world of generative AI: ChatGPT and more.

4 simple steps to revolutionize your website and company

1. Index your website + information

In addition to the web you can add + information 

2. Customize your avatar

empathetic and attractive

3. Integrate on your website

4. Dashboard with a thousand functions

The full potential of AI

They trust 1MillionBot

30 Universities

More than 30 assistants for prescription and enrollment, automation, virtual tutors, student retention. Referred to as success stories (Harvard Business Review, El País…)

Admin Public

Ministry of Finance, Madrid City Hall, Valencia City Council, State Ports, ICEX, Ministry of Culture, Admin. Oberta de Catalunya, Barcelona Provincial Council, Valencia Provincial Council…


Companies of all sectors and sizes: Bankia, Airzone, Red Eléctrica de España, Acciona, Musaat, AINIA, Terra Natura Benidorm, Gastroportal, Casamayor, AEDAS Home, Parlem…

Partners & Alliances

Imagine what to do with the Artificial intelligence.
we will make it possible

We give you all the information you need.

  We identify your priorities and needs with you.

We will show you step by step how to implement AI in such a way that it generates real value: see steps in AI implementation



    The Ministry of Science and Innovation has awarded 1MillionBot the Innovative SME seal. This badge is a recognition that the Ministry grants to companies that meet a series of requirements and that therefore have an innovative character, in order to establish a public policy that helps their growth and sustainability.

    ONE MILLION BOT SL has been selected for the ICEX internationalization program. Our fundamental work is focused on supporting the internationalization of ICEX NEXT companies. 

    ONE MILLION BOT SL has been a beneficiary of the European Regional Development Fund whose objective is to improve the use and quality of information and communication technologies and access to them and thanks to which it has carried out an audit for the implementation of the security system to improve competitiveness and productivity of the company. Exercise 2021. For this, it has had the support of the CyberSecurity program of the Chamber of Commerce of Alicante