Assistant 'expert' in Procedural law

GPT4 + Platform with own information vectors and control through "control panel"

"Fiche" to the best assistant in any specialty of Law (experimental service)

assistant in Procedural law based on GPT4

With our platform and dashboard

1. Personalize your assistant 'expert' in Procedural Law

Name, appearance, etc.

2. We define your expertise in Procedural Law with GPT4

They will weigh their «expertise» in Procedural Law, being able to select and additionally weigh other fields and related knowledge.

3. Enter specific and unique information 

You can enter specific and unique information for your professional activity and exploit it with GPT4

4. Exploit the potential of your "smart" helper:

  • Quickly insert it into your web page
  • Consult it and share it in your whatsapp
  • To integrate the "expert"-helper in apps, platforms or systems.
  • Exploit the data generated through the control panel from 1MillionBot.
  • Feed it and refresh it with own materials and unique.
  • Customize now its functions even more.
  • Control specific responses related to your activity and person.

ask the expert

'Assistant' in Procedural Law

  • Write standard documents following instructions.
  • Generate reports and strategies from documents, data, etc.
  • It feeds on vectors of information selected and unique by the interested party.

IMPORTANT: It is essential to review the "outputs" generated by this tool by experts

Talk to the "helper" in
Procedural law

sample question

QUESTION: «Explain to me the difference between jurisdiction and competence in the field of Procedural Law, and discuss how these concepts affect the admissibility of a case and the validity of judicial decisions».

Jurisdiction and competence are fundamental concepts in Spanish procedural law. Jurisdiction refers to the power of the State to administer justice, that is, the power that the courts have to resolve conflicts through the application of the Law.

On the other hand, jurisdiction refers to the distribution of judicial matters among the different courts that make up the corresponding jurisdiction. In general terms, jurisdiction is the power that the State has to resolve disputes and apply the legal system, while competence refers to the assignment of cases to specific courts within the corresponding jurisdiction.

Regarding the admissibility of a case, jurisdiction is a fundamental requirement for a court to rule on the matter. If a court lacks jurisdiction, it cannot resolve the dispute raised and, therefore, any decision it makes will be null and void.

For its part, jurisdiction affects the validity of judicial decisions depending on the court that dictates them. If a court lacks jurisdiction, its decision will also be null, since it does not have the power to hear that specific case.

It is important to note that a lack of jurisdiction does not necessarily imply a lack of jurisdiction. That is, a court may have jurisdiction over a given case, but if it does not have the proper jurisdiction to hear it, its decision will be invalid.

In conclusion, the distinction between jurisdiction and competence is essential in the field of Spanish procedural law. The first is a prerequisite for a court to hear a case and the second refers to the assignment of cases to specific courts within the relevant jurisdiction. Both are important for the admissibility and validity of judicial decisions.

IMPORTANT: It is essential to review the "outputs" generated by this tool by experts

File an expert in any specialty of Law

We configure GPT4 as "expert" in different specialties of Law through sources that guarantee the quality of the AI ​​generated

Procedural law

Rules and principles that regulate judicial processes and the actions of the courts.

Labor and

Hiring, layoffs, wages, working conditions, collective bargaining and labor conflicts...

Commercial Law

Creation of companies, commercial contracts, intellectual property, competition law...

Administrative Law

Licenses, permits, administrative sanctions and contentious-administrative appeals

Civil Law

Contracts, civil liability, family law, inheritance and property.

Criminal Law

Crimes and misdemeanors, sanctions and security measures applicable to offenders.

Family right

Marriage, divorce, child custody, adoption and alimony.

Intellectual Property Law

Patents, trademarks, industrial designs, copyrights

International right

Public and private international; relations between States and international organizations; relationships between individuals.

Environmental Law

Environmental protection, sustainability, conservation and the use of natural resources. Regulation in specific sectors.

Tax law

Taxes and contributions applicable to individuals and companies, procedures and resources related to taxes

European Union law

Relations between the Member States of the European Union and the European institutions; community law.

New Technologies Law

Privacy, data protection, cybersecurity, electronic commerce and responsibility in digital platforms.

Banking and financial Law

Activities financial entities, financial products, stock markets, capital regulation, financial issues.

Consumer Law

Protection of consumer rights in their relations with companies and merchants; commercial and advertising practices. New ways of consumption.

Real Estate Law

p-related topicsreal estate, real estate, purchase, sale, lease and management of real estate, contracts and associated litigation.

Chatbot 'Processor'

The Processor helps citizens to complete procedures in the Administration 

What can the IA  by law?

Everything, or almost everything...
AI in the field of common law has projected numerous use cases: basic legal advice, drafting of legal documents, tovirtual assistants for lawyers, predictive analysis…
And also, e-discovery and data analysis (analysis of large volumes of documents and electronic data to identify relevant and potentially valuable information in litigation and investigations), regulatory compliance and risk management (compliance)...

Download our e-book

Artificial intelligence, rights
fundamentals and regulation
Belén Alemán & Andrés Pedreño

From the simplest...

Complete your web page with an assistant that captures leads and answers frequent questions

elzabot is the intelligent assistant of Elzaburu, a firm specializing in intellectual property, answers questions such as: Do author deadlines have a validity period? How much does it cost to register a brand? How can I register a domain name? Should I update the privacy notice of my website? Can I request that offensive comments about my company be deleted on Facebook?

… even the most complex

Basic legal advice

Information and basic legal advice in common areas, such as labor law, intellectual property, contracts and civil disputes. Help users get quick answers to frequently asked questions.

Redaction of documents

Generate legal documents, such as contracts, confidentiality agreements, wills, and forms, using predefined templates and filling in user-specific information.

virtual assistants for lawyers

Bots for lawyers, for organizing their work, managing appointments, deadline reminders and monitoring pending tasks. Legal research, looking for legislation, jurisprudence and documents.

E-discovery and data analysis

In e-discovery processes, analyzing large volumes of electronic documents and data to identify relevant and potentially valuable information in litigation and investigations.

Predictive analytics

AI can analyze historical data from court cases to predict the outcome of future cases, which can be useful for strategic decision-making and risk assessment in legal cases.

Legal Intelligence

IA applied to law
Chatbots and GPT4

File the best expert in any specialty

PODOACTIVA 1MillionBot...


More than 30 universities: assistants for prescription and enrollment, automation, virtual tutors, student retention. Referred to as international success stories (Harvard Business Review, El País…)

Admin Public

Ministry of Finance, Madrid City Council, Valencia City Council, State Ports, ICEX, Ministry of Culture, Open Administration of Catalonia, Barcelona Provincial Council, Valencia Provincial Council…


Companies of all sectors and sizes: Bankia, Airzone, Red Eléctrica de España, Acciona, Musaat, AINIA, Terra Natura Benidorm, Gastroportal, Casamayor, AEDAS Home, Parlem…

parters & Alliances

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we will make it possible

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  We identify your priorities and needs with you.

We will show you step by step how to implement AI in such a way that it generates real value: see steps in AI implementation



    The Ministry of Science and Innovation has awarded 1MillionBot the Innovative SME seal. This badge is a recognition that the Ministry grants to companies that meet a series of requirements and that therefore have an innovative character, in order to establish a public policy that helps their growth and sustainability.

    ONE MILLION BOT SL has been selected for the ICEX internationalization program. Our fundamental work is focused on supporting the internationalization of ICEX NEXT companies. 

    ONE MILLION BOT SL has been a beneficiary of the European Regional Development Fund whose objective is to improve the use and quality of information and communication technologies and access to them and thanks to which it has carried out an audit for the implementation of the security system to improve competitiveness and productivity of the company. Exercise 2021. For this, it has had the support of the CyberSecurity program of the Chamber of Commerce of Alicante