One of the areas that will be seen more favored by machine learning It is undoubtedly customer service, natural language processing and sentiment analysis will be a tool that will greatly help companies to understand the needs, doubts and evaluation of users towards their products and services.

GoogleIn this regard, it has given some explanatory guidelines so that companies can take advantage of all the tools that Google Cloud offers, focusing on two of its services, which they consider most relevant when we talk about customer service, that is: Cloud Speech API and Natural Language API.


  • Google has been investing in machine learning, with an emphasis on tools that help improve customer service efforts.
  • Google users can approach Machine Learning with pre-built APIs or build a custom solution with their tools.
  • Google Cloud users should define their criteria initially and test often when working with machine learning.

cloud language It is capable of transcribing text into more than 80 languages ​​and detecting inappropriate content, very useful for transcribing the audio of calls to customer service centers and voice messages.

natural language discover the structure and meaning of text using machine learning models in an easy-to-use REST API. It can be used both to extract information from people, places, events and various elements that are mentioned in a text document, news or blogs, as well as to know the opinions about a product on social networks or analyze customer intentions.

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