1MillionBot keeps a strong commitment to universities through R + D + i projects to develop the full potential of AI applied to campuses (study, research, services...) and also in the challenge of identifying their needs and committing to the international leadership of Spanish universities in the use and exploitation of responsible AI, subject to the principles of security, privacy, transparency and ethics.

1MillionBot is considered a world leader in AI solutions tailored to universities, with more than 30 qualified projects in the sector as success stories. Bill 1MillionBot Group It maintains agreements with large technology companies and consultancies in order to develop joint projects applied to universities.

Products and services related to universities

1. Chatbots and virtual assistants: manage quickly and efficiently

  • Pre-registration and registration. Orientation in studies. Adopted by a large number of Spanish universities, it is a benchmark for solving a very relevant problem: providing assistance to the thousands of young people who attend university after passing the selectivity. Chatbots assist in the pre-registration and enrollment process, course selection and degree requirements, as well as study guidance. With this work, they help the student services of the university, normally overwhelmed by the avalanche of new students.
  • Computer assistance (CAU). Resolves frequently asked questions about university computing services, access to , platforms, equipment, etc. Virtual assistants promote a very considerable workload in CAU services, facilitating quick responses 24/7.
  • student retention. AI predictive competition and interaction with students lead to a lower dropout rate. In Spain, one in three university students drops out before finishing their studies.
  • Virtual subject tutor (smart tutoring platforms). AI systems that provide personalized tutoring in different subjects, adapting to the individual needs of each student and allowing more efficient learning. Support to the student and teacher in the tutorials of frequent consultations. Allows to identify date valuable information on training barriers and achieve greater personalization of the learning process.

2. Automation of administrative processes and management of key processes

Process robotization technologies with PLN/generative AI allow us to undertake:

  • Chatbots for administrative services. From financial requests to enrollment processes, chatbots can handle a variety of administrative tasks, freeing up staff to focus on more complex tasks like teaching and supporting students.
  • specific services. An example: chatbots and AI systems can help students find resources and research materials in university libraries, improving study efficiency.
  • Chronic Disease leads. In some centers and training offers, the recruitment of leads allows you to consolidate master's degrees and similar offers. See Attracting leads.

3. "Study aid" tools. Empower students and teachers with AI

  • e-tutor. Platform with study aid tools. It favors the follow-up of the subjects and subjects of study. Modelizable and customizable for each university. It can be integrated into other platforms or learning management systems (LMS), such as Blackboard, Moodle, Canvas... The platform includes a library that can be used by students or teachers without distinction.
  • E-degrees and qualifications. Platforms that provide specialized tools based on generative AI to students of different specialties, degrees and qualifications (Law, Engineering, Architecture...).

4.Smart Campus. University intelligence. Data management and AI and R&D office

Academic data analytics tools: AI can analyze large amounts of academic data to identify trends, predict student performance or educational needs, and assist in strategic decision making. Chatbots and AI systems that can be integrated with existing learning management platforms, such as CRM, ERP, etc., are giving consistency to the creation of a AI Office.

Un smart campus university stands for the integration of advanced technology into all aspects of university life to improve efficiency, safety, sustainability, and the overall experience for students, faculty, and staff. To address a smart campus university, it is important to consider several key components:

  1. Technological infrastructure. Establish a solid and secure network capable of supporting a large number of connected devices and services.
  2. Automation and artificial intelligence (AI). Implement AI and automation solutions for building management (managing, for example, lighting and climate control to increase energy efficiency). Use chatbots to provide information and assistance to students.
  3. Security. Use recognition technologies to increase security on campus. Implement cybersecurity measures to protect privacy and data integrity.
  4. Personalized student experience. Offer mobile applications and online platforms that allow students to access class schedules, learning resources, library services, etc., in a personalized and convenient way.
  5. Analytics and data-driven decision making. Use data analytics to make informed decisions about campus planning and management.
  6. Sustainability. Implement smart technologies for waste management, efficient water use and renewable energy generation.
  7. Mobility and transport. Offer smart transport solutions on campus: autonomous vehicles, bicycle rental systems...
  8. Integration with the community. Promote collaboration and integration with the local community through programs and technologies that facilitate participation in community activities and research projects.
  9. Inclusiveness and accessibility. Ensure that technologies and services are accessible to all students, including those with disabilities.
  10. Investment and alliances. Seek funding and collaborations with technology companies and other partners to support and accelerate implementation of the smart campus.

Agreements with universities and university entities

1MillionBot has the privilege of having on its Board of Members and on its Board of Directors public and private Spanish universities that are committed to AI and its development in the university environment. This participation increases our commitment to developing products for this context.

Conventions and agreements. Likewise the Group signs collaboration agreements and agreements with Spanish and foreign universities to facilitate the development of a research, exchange and technology transfer programme.

1MillionBot supports research groups and technology-based companies (ETBs), such as the "Economy of Innovation and Artificial Intelligence" research group (ECO IA Group).

Agreements with technology companies to develop university projects

1MillionBot Group He has developed entirely his own projects and has participated in others with top-level technology companies. In some cases, in condition of businesses, UTE or collaboration agreements.

Some of these agreements/projects are:

  • Google. 1MillionBot and Lucentia Lab maintain in their respective fields their status as businesses of Google. Lucentia Lab has developed the international teaching platform for Google "Google Activate", which has delivered courses to more than three million students across Europe.
  • Amazon. Agreement to develop a program for student retention in Spanish universities.
  • Vodafone and Telefonica. Agreements for the commercialization of the products of 1MillionBot in universities and the integrations in their systems.
  • Deloitte, Accenture, Orange, Softek, Sopra Steria… Agreements for specific projects and tenders.

Some technological capabilities around generative AI

  • linguistic corpus/Own LLM model, modular and flexible integrations architecture. Own LLM model made with the Barcelona Supercomputing Center from our linguistic corpus. Likewise, we put forward a flexible architecture capable of being fed with specific databases, taking advantage of the capabilities of the different LLM models on the market (proprietary and open source) and exploit the data through a structure RASA.
  • millie platform. The Millie chatbot development platform presents a comprehensive and customizable solution for the management of chatbots, with a strong focus on personalization, analysis, multi-channel and the combination of proprietary technologies and next-generation generative AI, such as ChatGPT. In competitive bids with the largest concurrence of national and international companies, Millie achieves the highest technical score.
  • Security and privacy modules. Solutions to ensure data security and comply with data regulations Privacy y fullfilment of security requirements, like GDPR. See ethical and responsible use of AI.
  • Integrations and APIs. Technologies that enable seamless integration with other business systems, such as CRM, ERP, and databases, to provide extended functionality. See integration of chatbots and AI with existing systems and platforms.
  • voice technologies.
  • VIEW all 1MillionBot products and services, with tailor-made solutions from other verticals.

A commitment to continuous research and development (see R+D+i in 1MillionBot) keeps us at cutting edge of emerging trends and technologies. From the end of 2022, 1MillionBot leads generative AI with specific projects that aim to control, optimize, democratize AI, and empower peoples.