the relief fund Ports 4.0 created by Puertos del Estado to support innovation and development ideas you have selected a 1millionbot project. This initiative will take place in the Puerto de Alicante in collaboration with Poseidon and TMS.

1millionbot achieves this trust in a first call launched in the summer of 2020. In it, The Ports 4.0 fund has also relied on another 27 projects nationwide. In total, 4 of them will take place in the Port of Alicante.

Innovative project

The chosen project, called Voice Automation in the Port Logistics Field, known as 1MillionBotMarine, will allow you to automate tasks and interconnect various software tools used in the logistics-port environment, facilitating machine-human interaction with voice commands, particularly for handling containers.

The project has been the third in evaluation of the 19 selected, given its innovative dimension, which is mainly based on natural language processing (NLP), the use of Machine Learning techniques or machine learning.

1millionbot Maritime Platform

In order to tell the value that this platform brings, the motto, like the Olympic one, leaves no doubts: «Faster, safer and with better information». a phrase that reflects the pillars on which the vision of 1millionbot is based when it comes to offering solutions to the challenges of the port environment.

These solutions are organized into three main elements: interconnected Virtual Assistants, the optimization of processes through an orchestrator and analysis through data science. This approach takes into account the large number of actions that occur and overlap in port activity.

Thus, safety provided by virtual voice assistants, the ability to make better decisions from data analysis and anticipation of events that is achieved by connecting different processes makes the port more efficient.

This is an excerpt from the presentation that Celia Sanchez, CEO of 1millionbot, made in the V Artificial Intelligence Forum in ports, within the framework of the Logistics-Port Technology Forum. The appointment, which can be seen again in its entirety online this link, was organized by Valencian Community Digital District and Alicante Port Authority (APA).

The strategic look

Celia Sánchez insists that AI application must be strategic and in each of the elements that make up the Maritime 1millionbot platform there is a layer on which the success of these solutions will depend, in part. The organization shall observe the user experience who will use, for example, Virtual Assistants. You will also have to know the true value that the organization brings to be able to focus all processes to that value. Finally, Being able to measure the data that will really improve decision-making.

Interestingly, the famous Olympic motto is no longer just three steps. Since these last Olympics, to Citius, Altius, Fortius we must add one more: Communiter. This means together. One of the basic elements in the work developed by 1millionbot. The strategic and inclusive alliance, as Celia Sánchez says in the video, must be a basic principle when Artificial Intelligence is applied in an organization.

The smart solution

Virtual assistants based on Artificial Intelligence propose an intelligent solution regardless of the sector. Contact us to find out what a chatbot can do for your organization.