Cybersecurity is an initiative, aimed at SMEs and the self-employed, in the province of Alicante, with the financial support of the European Regional Development Fund, Diputación de Alicante and Chamber of Commerce of Alicante. This program seeks to improve the security of the services of 1millionbot as well as prevent cyber risks.

A two-phase program

The first phase consists of a analysis in different areas of improvement such as identity and password management, detection and removal of malware or virtual private networks, among other. This step has a maximum cost of €1200, 100% financed by the Alicante Chamber of Commerce.

Once this advice is done, 1millionbot the second phase will begin. In it, you will be able to develop, in collaboration with specialized companies, the implementation of the projects recommended in the diagnosis phase. This phase has a maximum cost of €4000. This amount will be covered by 1millionbot and 50% subsidized, up to a maximum of €2000, by the Alicante Chamber of Commerce.

1MillionBot finds solutions for you

A chatbot provides secure open communication between the user and your organization. Contact us to find the best secure virtual assistant for your company.