1MillionBot helps optimize the University of Barcelona thanks to the development of a Intelligent Assistant that manages student enrollments. This virtual assistant is based on advanced Artificial Intelligence technology which allows you to automate repetitive tasks, streamline processes and provide service 24/7, 365 days a year thanks to the latest technology Real Language Processing.

La University of Barcelona attracts more than 60.000 students each year and is named as the best Spanish university by numerous international rankings and leader among European Universities. The University of Barcelona joins the long list of universities that already have an intelligent assistant developed by 1MillionBot, such as the Autonomous University of Madrid, King Juan Carlos University, University of Granada, Polytechnic University of Madrid or the University of Murcia.

The virtual assistant provides valuable data on master's degrees, degrees and doctorates, becoming a Personalized Intelligent Assistant available day and night for the student body. Thanks to Pre-trained assistant with thousands of student questions, the University of Barcelona improves the student experience, optimizes enrollment management and is at the forefront of educational innovation. The wizard is available at Catalan and in Spanish, increasing the inclusiveness of the center.

The image of the Intelligent Assistant of the University of Barcelona has been chosen by the students themselves through a contest organized by the university. In this way, the student community has been involved in choosing the image of the virtual assistant, encouraging their participation and commitment to technology and educational innovation.

Capture of the designs that the students of the Open University of Barcelona have voted for

1MillionBot Revolutionizing University Experience and Management

1MillionBot has managed to revolutionize the university management automation by implementing its Intelligent Assistant with Artificial Intelligence, which can be integrated into all systems and platforms. With the combination of Chat GPT, Empathic Natural Language e integration with RPA, CRM, virtual campuses and a multitude of platforms and systems, this Intelligent Assistant is able to provide a personalized tutor to each student and provide valuable information about each faculty, career and subject.

AI and virtual assistants are a more than powerful option to combat student disenchantment and its serious consequences, such as dropping out of studies. In this sense, 1MillionBot has managed to establish itself as a leading company in the development of chatbots and virtual assistants, with a high degree of customization and adaptability to the needs of each university..

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