1millionbot, a great ally of SMEs in their digitization process with what they do best: Conversational Artificial Intelligence. With almost a hundred success stories later, 1millionbot also has your SME.

The key to our support is strategic digitization. More than 4,5 million euros in European aid have made digitization fashionable, but no digital change will be effective if it is not based on a strategy of digital momentum towards the future.

If you click on the image or this link, you will discover the details of our accompaniment. Everything we can do for your organization, so that it can reach the future it chooses.

New spaces, new opportunities

Newly created spaces such as Digital Factory, in the Community of Madrid, in which 1millionbot has achieved first place in the list of companies, 35 in total, specialized in dialogue systems and virtual assistants, they are made essential to optimize resources, solve problems and improve the relationship of organizations, public or private, with users.

Conversational Artificial Intelligence covers, for the daily work of an organization, not only the implementation of chatbots in different areas of its activity. It can also help to carry out a self-diagnosis of the real needs, as well as train the people employed in digitization.

Experience as a guarantee of success

The commitment to Artificial Intelligence and conversational assistants is not theoretical, 1millionbot has helped almost a hundred companies and organizations to optimize their resources and to provide concrete solutions to its users or to the members of said organizations. Thanks to this journey, we are able to listen to each organization to recognize needs and provide concrete solutions.

Of those success stories, for example, 1millionbot is a leader in universities. Thus, it has developed, since its creation in 2018, about twenty projects in universities. Is about AI-based intelligent assistants that help students, PDI and PAS and other users to answer questions about enrollment, fees, CAU support or pre-registration.

The smart solution

Virtual assistants based on Artificial Intelligence They propose a clever solution. Both in public administration, culture, education or in the different productive sectors. Request information here